Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Church of Scientology

Last week Yvette Shank, President of the Church of Scientology in Canada, was in my class on Christian Apologetics. We have mentioned Scientology in our Systematic Theology class as well.
(Remember to distinguish Scientology from Christian Science. L. Ron Hubbard started Scientology in the early 50s. Christian Science was started by Mary Baker Eddy in the 1870s. Christian Science denies the reality of disease.)

Yvette was a guest last year on The Drew Marshall Show and I was on the show the next week to respond.

You can hear my interview here.

For Scientology's view of reality go to their home site. For their site on Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard go here. For extensive Scientology links go here.

For criticism of Scientology, go to Operation Clambake and the site of Tilman Hausherr. Other critic sites include the Facts about Scientology site and Exposing the Con. Kristi Wachter runs both The Truth About Scientology and Scientology Lies sites. F.A.C.Tnet is an important site. Check out The Secrets of Scientology and see the long list of links here. For the views of ex-members go here. Also, check out the site of ex-member Chuck Beatty.

I mentioned Scientology claims about Xenu and human origins in the interview. See this report for more info. You can also see data on Xenu here and here.

Jon Atak's book on Scientology called A Piece of Blue Sky is on the web here. That site also has Russell Miller's book Bare-Faced Messiah. For a scholarly overview of Scientology see J. Gordon Melton's book (published with Signature Press) and available at

Scientology's incompatibility with Christianity is explored here.

I also stated in the interview that Scientology has engaged in some heavy legal moves against critics. For an example of what I have in mind see the account by Paulette Cooper here.

Janet Reitman did an important piece on Scientology for Rolling Stone.

Important Note about my use of web sites

The listing of sites does not necessarily imply endorsement on my part of any particular claim or view. This needs special focus in relation to the battles involving Scientology. The critical sites noted above have very serious and important allegations on them. However, critics often--though not always--overstate things so the reader has to be very careful in sorting out claims.

I differ from many other critics of Scientology in my view that Scientology is a religion. Since it is a religion then the issue is to what extent it is a true or false religion. On this, Christians should be sad that Christ is not central in Scientology. Also, there are serious issues related to harmful practices having to do with litigation, health, and oppression of both members and ex-members. On these latter items, readers can look at the various sites and study to what extent critics are correct.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dororthy my granddaughter

L-R Son Derek, wife Gloria, me, daughter Andrea and son-in-law Julien

Reclaiming the Mind

Reclaiming the Mind is a great website for Christian theology. Here is the link.

Professor Beverley with Hans Küng

I have mentioned my former professor Hans Küng several times this term. He is the most famous Catholic theologian of modern time. I studied with him during my Ph.D. work when he was a visiting professor at the University of Toronto.

Last year I visited him at his home in Germany. We are standing in his library which is part of his living room.

Does God know the future?

My summary of Bloesch on the sovereignty of God makes note of disagreements about how and to what extent God knows the future. Some theologians, like Clark Pinnock and John Sanders, have questioned the classical Christian view that God knows everything about the future. Both men believe that the Bible teaches their "open" view of God and they also believe that their view preserves human freedom.

Here is one link that gives a list of resources on the topic.

Charismatic Christianity

Though issues related to the Holy Spirit are dealt mainly in section II of this course, our understanding of the Spirit and the charismatic Christian world relates to many themes in section I of the course. Here are some important links for your study.

For sites that are positive on charismatic Christianity, see Revival Ministries International (Rodney Howard-Browne), The Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, The International House of Prayer (Mike Bickle), Iris Ministries (Rolland and Heidi Baker), Bob Jones (not connected with Bob Jones University, the fundamentalist school) Patricia King, Global Harvest (Peter Wagner), Jack Deere, The Vineyard USA and Vineyard International, Benny Hinn and Paul Cain.

For a longer list of links see here and here.

On the prophetic, see Steve Shultz's work at and Elijah List
You can join his subscription list and get updates about the gift of prophecy.

For sites critical of charismatic Christianity, go to Deception in the Church and Also, note the critique by ex-Toronto Blessing pastor Paul Gowdy.

You can also see Cheryl Thompson's views here. Cheryl had been involved in the Vineyard movement and she has very strong views about Satanic use of the Vineyard and The Toronto Blessing. She writes this near the end of her post.

"I believe the plan of Satan is to join all churches and denominations together into an association based on false doctrine and a false Gospel. Having shown to God that they have no love for His truth, that they are "unfaithful" to Him, many deluded individuals, who believe they are Christians and love Jesus, will be punished. God will allow them to be deceived and to believe a lie. The day will come when they will gladly worship none other than the Antichrist, who will present himself to them as a supernatural being with great, divine powers."

She continues:

"I believe "The Vineyard movement" is playing an important role today in preparing the way for this terrible End-Time Delusion. It will be used to help spread the lie of the Antichrist himself. The "prophets" who are being promoted by The Vineyard and The Kansas City Fellowship will step forward, at the proper time, in churches all across America and Canada. They will all deliver the same message. It will be a message of spiritual deception, but many will be fooled into believing it. But the voices of these prophets will proclaim the Antichrist as God, welcoming him into the Holy of Holies."

I do NOT share her interpretation of either the Vineyard or The Toronto Blessing since I think she is far too extreme. But she is an example of how strongly some Christians are against some of the major figures/movements in charismatic Christianity.

Catholic Protestant agreement on Justification

We have spent some time thinking this term about the Catholic paradigm in theology. While we express differences with Catholic doctrine at points, we should also note areas of potential and real agreement. On October 31, 1999 Catholic and Lutheran leaders signed a Declaration on Justification in Augsburg, Germany. Here are some web sites related to the Declaration:

Declaration at the Vatican site
Pictures from ceremony here
Important analysis by Avery Dulles, the Catholic scholar at First Things
Early report to the Vatican in 1998 here
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod critique
Lutheran parody of Declaration

Three websites

Since Christian theology is done in the context of a global community and broad academic input, I urge you to look at Arts and Letters Daily as a great guide to important articles, books, reviews, op-ed pieces, etc. It has an impressive list of links on the main page, including newspapers from around the world.

One of the great free resources on the web allows for searching in many versions of the Bible.
Go here for this superb search engine to Scripture.

If you want to access a site that searches in the Greek text of the NT, go to the various options listed at The Greek New Testament Gateway

Happy searching.

Introducing STI

This blog is for students in Systematic Theology I Winter Term 08 with Professor James A. Beverley at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto.